Sunday 21 May 2017

钢牙妹 Day 3&4

唯一的挑战时我真的很爱吃 😅 会有很多craving 哈哈

星期五晚上company event 我就在 the roof 的厕所里刷牙了 😂😂

看来我适应的真的很好啊 ✌️✌️️

明天开始做 workout 吧

Thursday 18 May 2017

New Chapter Made to Myself

5月17 号, 对我来说应该是很有意义的日子, 因为我把挂在嘴上要做的事做了!!! '
绑牙啦!!! 从我25岁讲到现在啊!!! 是有多怕啊!!
可是也有后悔的, 三年前如果早点做的话,现在牙套都撤啦!!
可是现在至少是踏出那一步啦!! 老了也不会后悔啦😂😂

第一天带其实是5月17号,没有什么感觉,就是牙齿紧紧的,碰到才会痛,可是吃饭比较麻烦, 没得咬,什么都是吞的,只能轻轻慢慢咬 😂
我妈看我都说她看我吃饭很辛苦,估计以后她都不跟我吃了吧 哈哈哈哈

第二天比较麻烦,是我说太多话还是怎样,嘴巴里面被铁磨到很不舒服 一整天也不知道是要开嘴还是闭嘴 🙄🙄
说到这个,牙套装上去之前,牙医确实跟我说了很多会遇到的事,嘴唇被磨破绝对是很正常的,还有 ulcer 也是。最重要的事是保持牙齿和牙套清洁。
懒惰人如我,是要开始认真刷牙了 😅😅

头痛的事应该是吃这方面了,第一天真的没有头绪,吃粥之类的,闺蜜(同一个牙医,比我早半年开始,很多事都是从她那里来的)让我吃meal replacement
可是第二天,不好意思,鸡丝河粉,晚餐还吃烧肉 😆😆 全部切的很小才放进口

可是我一觉到天亮啊 🙈🙈🙈
我是猪 🐷 我知道
先记录到这里,有什么补充的 明天再说
姐要睡了 🌙

Friday 27 June 2014


今天早上看了一篇很有正面能量的文章,它所提议的5个睡前的习惯,我觉得应该从现在开始培养比较好 ,希望我会很有毅力的持续下去(偷笑)。



对于我今天发表在fb 的状态,幸好我很有勇气的post 了出来,才发现这世界还有很多我想像不到的人还是这么的关心你,这件事真的让我感动到哭了出来。。 谢谢你们,我很爱很爱你们~ (love love)


发现了网络上居然有那么多的正面能量的讯息,像是《经理人》,《电脑玩物》,读了几篇它的文章就让我不加思索的subscribe 了它的 网站!


我的白痴哥哥说要保密所以我就不说了,可是要谢谢他让我有机会可以驾车去到 port klang 那么远的地方~ lol!! 也是一个很好的经历啦,哈哈~


Wednesday 20 February 2013

my not so good yet not so bad new year

had experienced a frustuated year end 2012 & beginning  of year  2013!!
Firstly joined a company at Nov 2012, met nice, polite n friendly colleages
(I have more malays frens now!!)
But missed a chance to work in BRITISH INDIA
(felt a little regret when everytime I met difficulties in the new co... =s)
The wroking life in the new co is very busy but very satisfiying!!
Work hard together as a team, helping each others,
Cover up each others when we made mistakes or when our rights is threaten!!
(And we also gossip our managers too!!!)
(But I really dont like my new co!! Not the colleafes but the procedures and the  management decision is very awful!!)

However I really learned things here, it helps me see what is the difference between a professional firm n a commercial firm, n also sees the difference when a pure auditor work as a manager in the commercial firm, they will not understand what r we doing n why we doing these, all they want is just REPORT!! REPORT!! REPORT!!!!!

Then I went to Bangkok wif my old schoolmate!!
Tat is an awesome trip!! Feel like im closer wif my fren more!!
Know more about their thinking, how they behave n everything~
1 unsatisfied thing is that my phone broke down at the 1st day of the trip~
So I can only entertain myself wif my only digital camera, hahaha~

When the day came to CNY, got flu, cough, n fever came aling together, that mean I slept for 13 hours during my 1st day of CNY!!
The 2nd & 3rd brought fun to me, and the most exciting thing is I got a new Samsung Galaxy Note ll as my bd present!! Weewit~it is too smart, and I even can write my blog by my new Note ll, cant image how can I live without it!! XD

So the conclusion is~
Had have a not so good yet not so bad year end n new year, hehe~~

Sunday 1 July 2012


Ended my working life lasted for 7 months, 
i'm officially unemployed!!! 

gonna meet up all of uuuuuuuuu!!!!!

all 6a3 gang!! XD

Thursday 29 September 2011

wish me luck!!

ok since i left my little bloggy for such a long time,
i promise i will sometime post something when i rmb it again~ =P

looking for new job now!! wish me luck!!